

” That rare teen comedy where the kids aren’t gorgeous, the hero isn’t heroic and the object of desire has a lot of reasons why she isn’t necessarily desirable. ” said Roger Moore on ‘Rotten Tomatoes’

In the prologue Oliver -the protagonist- says how has been searching for himself. ” I’ve tried flipping coins, listening exclusively to french crooners, I’ve even had a brief hat phase but nothing stuck. ” I think a lot of people can relate to this, despite their age, we’re always searching for ‘our voice’, who we are and what we want. Oliver goes through bullying, trying to fix his parents marriage and falls in love with Jordana, a pyromaniac girl.

The colors have a key role in the film. Every character has a signature color. Oliver – blue, Jordana – red, Jill Tate – yellow, Lloyd – brown and Graham – black.
As Oliver gets closer to Jordana, he sneaks more red into his palette.

” Well, you know, I thought it would be nice to get some mutual interests… now that we’ve had sex… other than spitting and setting things on fire. ” and Oliver gives Jordana 3 books, one of them is Catcher in the Rye.

The film contains great shots, pictures, colors and scenes.

Submarine = Oliver
He goes under pressure in his life

Alex Turner, the front man of The Arctic Monkeys recorded the soundtrack, it can be found on YouTube, I really recommend it ( as the movie too ).

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