
An elusive soul

I turned off my alarm clock at 7:20 AM and made myself a cup of coffee. I’m not an early bird, I don’t really care about catching the worm. I just have so many things to do, including school work, language exams and things in my privet life., I had no choice but to ‘man up’ and get out of the comfort of my bed.

While I was sipping my coffee and putting away things in my room, I wanted to put on some background noise. When it comes down to this, I have 3 options : Music, Audio book or a documentary. This was the documentary I choose to listen to, but ended up watching it, bookmarking it, and blogging about it.

Haruki Murakami, a world-wide known Japanese author, and my personal favorite. I highly recommend this documentary about his life and work.

His books are like a vacuum. Once you sit down and open them up, you can’t stop. They make you rethink about a lot of things, not only about society, life in general or love, but about yourself too.

My first Murakami book was ” Hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world. ” Since then, I’ve read several other books by him, making lists and running to the ” Eastern literature ” section in the local library. Murakami books are like sweet snacks for me.

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